WCNjobs provide a structured framework of engagement and activation options, customised in intensity according to the needs of individual Job Seekers and focused on compliance obligations being met at all times.
WCNjobs’ guarantee of service to people looking for work and employers is underpinned by innovative structures, systems, skills and resources integrated into an effective Service Delivery Model.
Gaining jobs for job seekers with disability is central to the success of the WCNjobs model. Employers are engaged through a highly responsive customer service relationship aimed at identifying and meeting the skills and labour needs of their workforce. WCNjobs operates throughout Melbourne and Geelong and has a great understanding of the labour markets, industries, workplaces and job roles available. This enables WCNjobs to identify the right vacancy and provide the right match for people with disability. Tailored arrangements are negotiated and managed to support the uptake of job seekers including appropriate wage subsidies, workplace modifications and on site workforce diversity education.
A job seeker registered with WCNjobs’ Disability Employment Services will typically undertake an agreed schedule of meetings and activities (job search, work readiness, motivational training, vocational training and work placement) with the aim of moving into paid employment as soon as is practical. .
WCNjobs will ensure that everyone understands their expectations including for those on government benefits what they are expected to complete to continue on benefits.. We monitor and support the job seeker to meet their expectations whilst working to individualise their support to meet their needs.
Job seekers on a Disability Support Pension who identify work as a priority objective are encouraged to volunteer into DES where WCNjobs’ ensures that service provision is focused on moving them into
sustainable employment.
Once placed into employment the job seeker will, through WCNjobs’ customised At Work Support, develop the skills, attributes and attitude necessary to successfully get and keep a job. We aim for long term jobs. If specific skills are needed to do a job, WCNjobs will help find the right training provider to give the person the skills needed to do a specific job role. We will also support the employer and workplace to resolve any issues that may arise.
A documented At Work Support Plan (included in the Job Plan) is customised to the needs of both job seeker and employer and includes the agreed level of help to be provided by WCNjobs. Job Seekers may have varying levels of continuing support in the job formally called: Flexible Ongoing Support, Moderate Ongoing Support or High Ongoing Support. This level of support will vary with the need of the person and their employer. The aim will always be to keep a person in work.
The Working Communities Network (WCNjobs) consortium was formed in 2013 by two leading Employment Services providers in Victoria; WCIG and JobCo. The consortium’s partnership has resulted in a consolidated service offering thousands of job seekers with disability, the ability to participate in innovative training solutions and a dynamic approach to formulating and delivering many other community-based initiatives for disadvantaged members of local communities.
WCNjobs’ internal partnerships are centred upon common goals. This has meant that the leadership of the consortium can consolidate many decades of experience and a wealth of community and service linkages in delivering employment-focused solutions to many more people across Victoria.
At WCIG our mission is to create partnerships for employment and we achieve this through the provision of services and programs including training at WCIG‘s Registered Training Organisation and via the delivery of Disability Employment Services, Springboard (Youth) and our Social Enterprise Group.
Based in Melbourne’s western regions and Geelong, WCIG has offices in Footscray, Melton, Sunshine, St. Albans and Werribee. As part of the 2013 move to leading the Working Communities Network consortium, WCIG expanded its operations with the opening of offices in Geelong, Corio and Whittington.
WCIG’s success is testament to the effective and proactive way in which we create partnerships for employment. We work closely with job-seekers, employers and industry to cultivate sustainable employment outcomes and innovate new ways to enhance employment opportunities.
At the very core of our business is our commitment to respond to the needs of disadvantaged job-seekers by:
• Providing relevant training with a focus on industries in which a skills shortage exists, therefore maximising employment prospects. Our training provides job-seekers with skills for employment,
personal development and is available with Government Funding at little or no cost to participants.
• Fostering employment opportunities for the disadvantaged and unemployed through unique and highly effective job creation projects.
• Encouraging more inclusive and creative attitudes and models for work and employment of people who are disadvantaged through our advocacy efforts and social enterprises.
JobCo. Employment Services Inc. is a community based not-for-profit employment service provider which has been delivering a comprehensive range of employment solutions to employers and jobseekers in the Melbourne and metropolitan region since 1994.
JobCo.’s mission is to ensure that any person seeking employment services, training, counselling or support is assisted. For all clients we will provide a unique and individual experience of service where people feel listened to and supported in overcoming barriers, achieving equality and meaningful inclusion into their local community.
Our values are reflected both in the services we provide and in the investment of staff from a broad range of disciplines and cultural backgrounds.
JobCo.’s services include:
• Disability Employment Services (DES)
• Personal Helpers and Mentors Program (PHaMS)
• Training and Traineeships
• Apprenticeships Matter, Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (previously Apprenticeships Melbourne [AAC])
• National Panel of Assessors (NPA)
• Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
• Indigenous Youth Careers Pathways (IYCP)
As a prerequisite to employment, JobCo. staff must have strong personal ethics and morals, and high level interpersonal skills. We expect our staff to achieve their KPIs to ensure that high numbers of people gain jobs. JobCo. has qualified psychologists and other allied health professionals employed, as well as staff with extensive experience in both employment and the behavioural sciences.
To ensure high standards JobCo. conforms to all legislative requirements set out in the Privacy Act 1988, the National Privacy Principles Code and the National Standards for Disability Services.
JobCo. also adheres to rigorous internal codes of conduct identified in individual program policies, ensuring that all clients of JobCo. are treated with dignity and respect.
JobCo. is a not for profit employment services provider committed to affirming the right of every individual to a meaningful role in society.
Please click on the below links to find current vacancies with our partner organisations: